
"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."

                        ~ Mary Pickford

 I picked today’s quote because I’ve heard more than a few of us bemoan our “tough month” and say they are ready to turn the page.  As we close the books on March, let me CHALLENGE each of us to take advantage of April’s fresh start by truly closing March; not just the books, but also the negative things a tough month burdens us with.  Let’s start fresh, and start generating the results we want and deserve.

The beautiful thing about Spring; everything blooms anew.  It doesn’t matter how good, or bad yesterday was, because we all start with a fresh Spring.  Let’s begin that fresh start TODAY.  Shed the weight of last month’s results and begin this new month with the energy and zest we had the first week we called students.  You’ll be surprised how contagious your excitement and resiliency will prove to be…

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