I have been asked a few times how someone makes the leap from speaking and consulting on leadership, team building and communication skills to heaping out morning helpings of witty platitudes and, well, 'mojo.'
My first response is usually, really? It seems like a pretty close and logical leap....just kidding, fair question...
I sent my first morning column out to about 10-12 people who reported directly to me at work. It was aimed to be a clever way to motivate, and more importantly, a quick way to 'reframe' their outlook on a tough day and a potentially tough situation.
It seemed to work. In fact, people from other departments began to request their email; their quick burst of motivation and 'perspective-tuneup.' It turns out that in most work environments we spend so much time being told what to do and what not to do, working to avoid negative consequences and fearing the worst that we seldom stop to consider the BEST; what we COULD do and what is POSSIBLE.
I knew that was not acceptable - and frankly not a way to succeed long-term.
So the Mojo spewed. And gathered some momentum. To the point where I got some less-than-nice emails if I missed a few days!
These days, I do not have a staff of direct reports or employees who count on me. Instead, I have a much more important staff; a larger group of people worldwide who I lean on and vice-versa, for perspective, insight and excitement.
It is a joy to travel and speak and teach around the world - and if we can spread a little positive mojo along the way? Well then, I'd say we've done a pretty amazing thing.
Make it an amazing day. Thanks for reading. And pass it on. There is never NOT a good reason to make someone else's day...
~ chris.