
“I ain't play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards...

“I ain't play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards
I prayed to the skies and I changed my stars”

                ~ Kanye West, “Last Call”

It’s casual Friday, so I thought we’d kick it with a little more casual quote today.  I like this lyric, because it really speaks to a concept that is consistent in successful people, something called an “internal locus of control.”

In the simplest vernacular, it is the conscious choice each of us make to either “explain” or “control” our environment.  There are always going to be obstacles, and there are always going to be things that could cause us to fail.  We can use them as an excuse, or we can use them as a launching point for finding another avenue to succeed.

Isn’t this basically what our students go through every day?  While we help them through their classes – we also have an opportunity to help them build a skill that will take them even further; the ability to take ownership of their success

As we do that, we will likely find we are owning OUR OWN success as well…

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