
“Today's greatest labor-saving device is tomorrow.”

        ~ Woodrow Wilson (American President)

I love this quote because it is hilariously true!  Yesterday, Charles talked about how our students are “professional procrastinators” and while it doesn’t apply to ALL students, it is close – for the simple reason it applies to nearly all PEOPLE.

I love the promise of tomorrow, it is what keeps us going and striving for success – however, it is important to remember that a bountiful harvest comes only after an arduous planting.  We may not get positive results 100% of the time, but I can promise you the odds increase in direct correlation with effort.

My CHALLENGE to the team today; let’s get done TODAY what we want to receive tomorrow.  Let’s get our students re-aligned for success; not just high LDA’s or 10 A.O., but everyone showing some signs of potential trouble.  The probation student who hasn’t posted yesterday’s discussion yet, the student who has climbed the LDA ladder once or twice before and is back up to 3 or 4…

Let’s be ADVISORS today; shepherds of our students’ success rather than simply managers of a datasheet.  Worry about making a difference first – and I know we’ll all have a great day.

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