
"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."

  ~Arnold H. Glasow

Team, great effort yesterday!  Our team’s ‘talk time’ average and ‘number of calls average’ was easily TOPS of the three teams.  Keep up the hard work, and good results will follow.  I’m proud of the effort you all are putting in.

As today’s quote insinuates, success isn’t an accident, nor is it something we get with just a little effort.  It is something we EARN by giving our very best effort, and literally being “on fire” with purpose.

We have a lot of students who need our help.  Work the THREE BUCKETS today.  I know I have focused a lot on our high LDA’s, but let’s also really focus on our FA Warning students and our students with consecutive F’s.  We can do a lot to stave off some tough drops if we get to our students EARLY – before their academic troubles mount and they begin to panic (and ultimately give up).

Let’s be ON FIRE today for our students!!

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