
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

            ~ Dr. Suess

No better way to start a Thursday than with the whimsical words of everyone’s favorite Doctor.  While on the surface the quote may seem silly, or even to be simply about “reading” or “doing assignments” – to me something much more fundamentally true is being taught.

The point is that education is the great civil liberty, the ticket of entre to many of life’s ambitions and goals; more simply, a universal key to so many previously locked doors.

When we have a student that is considering dropping or failing out of school, we aren’t trying to “sell” them on staying, we are trying to steer them back towards a path that is undeniably in their best interest.  We sometimes joke that we are “saving lives” – and of course, it sounds a bit dramatic.  But in truth, we are.  And it is evident in one simple question I like to ask students:

“With all the extra hours you are working, with all the challenges you are facing, etc. … if you quit school now, what is ever going to change?

 With the right mindset and attitude of service, you’ll be amazed at some of the places we can go…

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