
“I watch out my window as the planes take off into space. Oh, that I could fly away and start fresh. But I must realize that fresh starts also come in the pretty wrapped gift called 'tomorrow.'”

Monday morning… probably the easiest day to slink into work a little tired; the perfect day to “go through the motions” and “ease into the week.”  However, it is also the best day to establish habits and begin with a fresh energy of success.  Make today your “tomorrow” and start with a fresh perspective of service to our students.

 We have dozens of students starting their classes today.  Just think how much more successful each and every one of them will be if they turn in all their assignments and score well on their Week One assessments…  Why not make it your goal this week to do just that; help every one of your students have a  successful week in the classroom.
 The funny thing is, when we focus on helping our students, sooner or later the positive rewards come our way as well.

 Every morning is a choice – the EASY way or the SUCCESSFUL one.  For our students sake, I’m going with the latter.

It’s the first Monday of the new month – make it count!  Both you and your students deserve it…

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