
A New View on the Old You...

I was having lunch with some people near and dear to me the other day, and the discussion turned to work-related topics and questions as to who would be coming on board to be their new manager.

And it occured to me, we spend so much time worrying about the outside influences that impact our lives, but often overlook the immediate control we DO have to impact our environment.

Do you want someone to be upbeat and energetic?  Force them to be with the magnetism of your own charisma!  Do you want to work in a positive workplace that focuses on successes and accomplishments?  begin to recognize the successes and accomplishments of those around you.

"Manager" is a title; and often one someone has to bestow upon us.  But "Leader" is the core of who you are - and no title or promotion can dictate that.

Be a leader.  Make the people around you's lives better... and soon enough you'll find your own is radically better aw well...

Make it an awesome day,
~ Chris.

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